peruse all of the products we love to hype.

Welcome to our glorious smorgasbord of recommended products. What lies ahead is a treasure trove of items we've handpicked just for you. The Mona Lisa of product pages, if you will. So, buckle up, because it's about to get product-y in here!

Work from Home Lindsay LaRocque Work from Home Lindsay LaRocque


Meet the olfactory heavyweight champion of the world - this candle. It's not just a pretty face with its sleek style, it's also got the scent that's as captivating as a midnight summer dream. Trust us, your workspace (and your nostrils) will thank you.

Buy at Anthro

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Work from Home Lindsay LaRocque Work from Home Lindsay LaRocque


Here's the scoop: this isn't just any heater. It's a small, stylish number that's more couture than clunky. And it doesn't just make your room look good - it makes it feel cozy too. Trust us, this little stunner isn't all about the looks; it really gets the job done.

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