Bare-Bones Skincare: Nailing the Quick Routine with Essential Products

In an ideal world…

You would be able to follow that influencer recommended daily, 10-step skincare routine, where there's more steps than in a salsa dance class. This includes an oil cleanser, water-based cleanser, exfoliation, toner, serums, eye creams, moisturizers, sunscreen, and whatever else they think needs to be slathered on there (insert eye roll here). Hopefully you have the commitment level of a marathon runner and the patience of a saint, not to mention an unlimited amount of time.

but let’s get real.

The majority of us live in the real world, where the only marathon we're running is the one between the bed and the coffee machine, and the only dance class we’re attending is the one-step shuffle from the couch to the fridge during Netflix ads. We are lucky if we get a solid ten minutes to ourselves to wash our face, let alone apply a face mask, a serum, and an under-eye cream. Most days, our skincare routine is more like a sprint than a salsa class, a quick cleanse and a slap of moisturizer, and we're out the door. So, unless you’re planning on moving into your bathroom and becoming a hermit, let’s lower those skincare routine expectations a notch, shall we?

Here’s what you need

So there you have it, folks – our stripped-down, no-nonsense, gets-the-job-done skincare routine. It might not be the full-on dermatological spa treatment we dream of (and frankly, who has the time or the patience?), but it's better than nothing. It's kind of like ordering a salad when you really want a burger – not quite as satisfying, but your skin (or waistline) will thank you for it.

Remember, a little bit of skincare is like a little bit of love – always better than none at all.

Lindsay LaRocque

Lindsay LaRocque is a Marketing and Growth analyst based in Colorado with a background in business intelligence and graphic design.

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